sábado, 20 de febrero de 2010

DV ENLIGHTENMENT - Cinematography Series

People are always asking, 'How do I make my video look more like film?'..... well for starters, light it like film, that is to say, light it professionally. I have been a still photographer all my life and I can tell you that it is all about light. So many people pick up a camera, turn on auto-exposure, set white balance and start shooting away, totally unaware of the fact that they are neglecting one of the most important elements of composing a scene, lighting. It is lighting that adds mood and character, time and place, depth and tone, light is an actor in your story, a most important actor at that.

DV Enlightenment is the first tutorial from DVcreators.net's new DV Cinematography series and is a complete course in Professional lighting for the beginner, for people ready to learn the art of lighting. If you sit down with this 55 minute tutorial you are going to come away with an excellent understanding of lighting, not just the basics of lighting but how to use light to help tell your story. You will be surprised to learn what you can do with light, how to do it, how easy it is to employ the lessons of this tutorial and what a huge difference it will make in your finished story. Bad or even just ordinary lighting is something that can not be fixed or enhanced in post production, it must be done right at the time of shooting.

This tutorial starts off with 'Light Essentials', a basic primer on light and then moves on to the four main sections: Four Point Lighting, Working with Sunlight, Lighting Green screen/White/Black Backgrounds, and Bright Ideas.



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