miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

Acciones PhotoShop

Las Acciones PhotoShop automatizan las tareas que aplicamos frecuentemente sobre nuestras imágenes.

Para utilizarlas sólo hay que descomprimir el fichero .rar en el directorio Adobe PhotoShop/Ajustes preestablecidos/Acciones de PhotoShop y cargar el nuevo grupo de acciones en la Paleta Acciones.

Ajustes básicos

Ajuste de Niveles por Zonas.
Descritas en el superventas “Fotografía Digital de Alta Calidad” de
José María Mellado.

Diversos métodos para mejorar la nitidez
1. Enfoque Web 2. Color Lab 3. Color Lab Avanzado 4. Paso Alto 5. Color CMYK 6. Por Relieve.

jggWeb Tonal Contrast Plus
Ayuda a recuperar texturas aumentando el
contraste tonal.

Nitidez jggWeb
6 métodos de mejorar la nitidez: Enfoque Web, Color Lab, Color Lab Avanzado, Paso Alto, Color CMYK y Por Relieve.

Blanco y Negro

Blanco y Negro de Rob Carr
El famoso método para pasar imágenes a blanco y negro de
Rob Carr.

Blanco y negro de película
Simulación mediante el método del
Mezclador de Canales de los resultados obtenidos con varias marcas de negativos: Agfa, Ilford y Kodak.

Blanco y negro de Rob Carr con Filtros de Colores
Pasa fotografías en color a blanco y negro con alto contraste.

Blanco y negro de Greg Gorman
Blanco y negro de alto contraste.

Optimización del Color

Colores más Intensos
Intensifica la saturación del color.

Lab Saturation Actions
Aumenta la saturación respetando el color de la piel de las personas.

Potenciar Colores
Realza los colores que hay en una imagen.

Calidez, Viveza y Enfoque
Una acción creada por
José Fàbrega Agea que aporta calidez y viveza de color en paisajes de atardecer y amanecer que nos han quedado apagados o demasiado fríos.

Aplicar Curva Marciana
Una acción que aplica la
Curva Marciana creada por José Fàbrega Agea basándose en las enseñanzas de Dan Margulis para obtener colores más vivos respetando los tonos de la piel. Muy útil en retratos.

Desaturación Serena jggWeb.
Aplica una desaturación del color parcial.

Otros Efectos

Dramatiza retratos al estilo
Andrzej Dragan.

Viñeteado jggWeb.
Crea un viñeado del 20%.

Enmarcado Simple jggWeb.
Enmarcado en blanco y en negro.

Clave Alta JggWeb
Ayuda a convertir un retrato (bien expuesto y sobre fondo claro) en un
Clave Alta.

Efecto lluvia
Simula la lluvia en una imagen.

Efecto vaho y gotas de agua sobre cristal
Simula las gotas de agua y el efecto de la condensación sobre un ficticio cristal.

Efecto Etéreo jggWeb
Aplica un desenfoque selectivo sobre las luces altas, creando escenarios oníricos.

Rule of Thirds Cropping
Acción creada por
PanosFX.com con la que nos ayuda a realizar recortes sobre nuestras imágenes que cumplan la Regla de los Tercios.

Acciones Photoshop José María Mellado

Ya se pueden descargar las nuevas accionesPhotoShop de José María Mellado desde la página oficial de su nuevo libro Fotografía de Alta Calidad.

Además se pueden bajar las imágenes utilizadas para ilustrar las diversas técnicas de revelado y postprocesado.

Más de 600 Mb (tiempo aprox. de descarga 20min) de imágenes en formato RAW y JPEG y todas las acciones que el autor emplea habitualmente. Un lujo.

Digital Photographer Magazine (Fall 2009)

Digital Photographer Magazine (Fall 2009)
PDF | English | 49 Pages | 8,7 Mb

Download links :
SharingMatrix | Depositfile

Foto - Video Magazine (February 2010)

Foto - Video Magazine (February 2010)
PDF | English | 102 Pages | 18,8 Mb

Download links :
SharingMatrix | Rapidshare

Shutterbug Magazine (February 2010)

Shutterbug Magazine (February 2010)
PDF | English | 180 Pages | 51,2 Mb

Download links :
SharingMatrix | Depositfiles

What Digital Camera Magazine (February 2010)

What Digital Camera Magazine (February 2010)
PDF | English | 133 Pages | 55,6 Mb

Download links :
SharingMatrix | Uploaded

Digital Photographer Magazine (Winter 2009)

Digital Photographer Magazine (Winter 2009)
PDF | English | 63 Pages | 21,9 Mb

Download links :
SharingMatrix | Uploaded

Digital Landscape Photography

Digital Landscape Photography
Focal Press | September 14, 2009 | English | ISBN: 0240810937 | PDF | 216 Pages | 37,1 Mb

Description : Photographing landscape with a film camera is different than with a digital camera. There are several books on the market that cover landscape photography but few of them are specifically for the digital photographer. This book is what you are looking for! Digital Landscape Photography covers:
* equipment such as accessories and lenses
* exposure from shutter speed and other common mistakes
* shooting
* light and its importance
* composing your perfect photo
* printing
* and a special section on specific subjects such as waterfalls and sunrises
Digital Landscape Photography, written by experts that have been shooting outdoors for decades, is a fresh look at current ways to shoot landscapes by making the most of digital format.
* the only photo book on landscape photography in a landscape format
* both beautifully illustrated and instructive at the same time
* Authors are well known photographers in the field: Pictures have been published in National Wildlife, Sierra, Natural History, Outdoor Photographer, and many other major publications.

Download links :
SharingMatrix | Letitbit | Depositfiles

earning to See Creatively: Design, Color & Composition in Photography

Learning to See Creatively: Design, Color & Composition in Photography
Amphoto Books; Revised edition | October 1, 2003 | English | ISBN: 0817441816 | PDF | 161 Pages | 138,0 Mb

Description : Almost everyone can "see" in the conventional sense, but developing photographic vision takes practice. Learning to See Creatively helps photographers visualize their work, and the world, in a whole new light. Now totally rewritten, revised, and expanded, this best-selling guide takes a radical approach to creativity. It explains how it is not some gift only for the "chosen few" but actually a skill that can be learned and applied. Using inventive photos from his own stunning portfolio, author and veteran photographer Bryan Peterson deconstructs creativity for photographers. He details the basic techniques that went into not only taking a particular photo, but also provides insights on how to improve upon it—helping readers avoid the visual pitfalls and technical dead ends that can lead to dull, uninventive photographs. This revised edition features the latest information on digital photography and digital imaging software, as well as an all-new section on color as a design element. Learning to See Creatively is the definitive reference for any photographers looking for a fresh perspective on their work.
* New edition of a best-selling title
* Updated to include digital
* All new artwork, and a totally revised and expanded text
* All-new section on color as a design element
* Written by one of Amphoto`s bestselling authors
Category : Books, Arts, Photography, Digital, Graphics, Design, Reference

Download links :
SharingMatrix | Letitbit | Depositfiles

National Geographic Magazine (March 2010)

National Geographic Magazine (March 2010)
PDF | English | 145 Pages | 40,3 Mb

Download links :
Lix.in (3 mirrors)

Langford`s Starting Photography

Langford`s Starting Photography, Fifth Edition: The guide to great images with digital or film
Focal Press, 5 edition | English | ISBN: 0240520564 | PDF | 368 Pages | 26,6 Mb

Review : "Langford's Starting Photography covers all an aspiring photographer needs to know using both digital and film cameras. Whether you have just started or have a little experience of photography, this book will, (with all its hints, tips and great ideas) improve your photographic abilities and the images you will produce." Sid Pearce FRPS. EFIAP. Photographer, Writer and Lecturer on Digital Imaging. Praise for fourth edition: "...there is a lot of technical information that will give you a good grounding in photography, covering both traditional darkroom techniques and digital methods. Projects allow further exploration of themes and are a good way of extending your mastery of the camera." - Amateur Photographer "Diagrams and photographs demystify information, helping the book strike a balance between technical details and shooting advice, and helpfully it doesn't talk down to the reader...The scope of information and the reasonable price ensures this is recommended." - What Digital Camera "at last there is an introductory book that I can unreservedly recommend to friends, students and others who are in any way interested in the basics of photography and digital photography." Sidney Ray, Senior Lecturer in Digital and Photographic Imaging, University of Westminster, photographer and Imaging Consultant. On the third edition: "Whether you're completely new to photography or someone who already has some experience, but who needs to gain a deeper understanding in order to improve their ability and results, this book is for you...the book is an easy and informative read that's packed with hints tips, ideas and inspiration, making it ideal for beginners and the more experienced alike, in fact anyone who has never studied photography formally (and some that have) will benefit from reading this book." MC Rebbe, www.thetechnofile.com Amazon.com reviews of the fourth edition: A snap at half the price!, March 27, 2001 Reviewer: claire bilton (Uk) "For a first in photography you really couldn't ask for more. Michael Langford guides you round the jargon with ease and will soon have you talking like a professional! With the added bonus that you'll actually understand it! He covers everything you'd need to know in an easy to read stlye. Including projects to do easy enough for total beginner or the more serious amatur. You don't need a high tech camera to follow either there is something for everyone. The book only lost one point with me because i felt the chapters weren't well enough defined. Reccommended to all!" A user friendly guide to taking great photos!, March 27, 2001 Reviewer: claire bilton (Uk) "I would reccomend this to anyone wishing to start photography or develop their knowledge. Michael Langford guides you through photography jargon and explains digital, APS and SLR cameras with ease. Including projects for practical starting points easy enough for a total beginner with only a disosable camera or professionals with the latest stuff! The book covers using your first camera, lighting, trouble shooting, effects, working indoor and outdoors and briefly about making your own dark room. It is a comprehensible guide which doesn't cost a packet! A definite thumbs up!" Amazon.com reviews of third edition: "For a first in photography you really couldn't ask for more. Michael Langford guides you round the jargon with ease and will soon have you talking like a professional! With the added bonus that you'll actually understand it! He covers everything you'd need to know in an easy to read style. Including projects to do easy enough for total beginner or the more serious amateur. You don't need a high tech camera to follow either there is something for everyone. The book only lost one point with me because I felt the chapters weren't well enough defined. Recommended to all!" "I would recommend this to anyone wishing to start photography or develop their knowledge. Michael Langford guides you through photography jargon and explains digital, APS and SLR cameras with ease. Including projects for practical starting points easy enough for a total beginner with only a disposable camera or professionals with the latest stuff! The book covers using your first camera, lighting, trouble shooting, effects, working indoor and outdoors and briefly about making your own dark room. It is a comprehensible guide which doesn't cost a packet! A definite thumbs up!" Amazon.co.uk reviews of third edition: "I brought this book to aid my A-level photography course; I have found it very helpful. It explains everything clearly using text and diagrams. It would be a great asset to any photographer but especially useful to beginners." "As a tutor in photography, this book offers my students a sound basis for their learning and understanding of the medium. It acts as a great reference guide which they can carry in their camera bags at all times. The visual examples are interesting and inspiring; exactly what the new photographer needs."

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SharingMatrix | Letitbit | Depositfiles