martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

PhotoVision - Portrait Techniques (DVD 2)

PhotoVision - Portrait Techniques (DVD 2)

PhotoVision - Portrait Techniques (DVD 2)
English | MPEG-2 Video; 720x480 (4:3); 29.970 fps; | AC3 192 kbps | 4 Gb

Six DVDs showcasing all aspects of portrait photography...classic, traditional portriature, children, families, high school seniors, location and environmental techniques, extreme styles, intimate portraits, and black & white relationship photogrpahy.

DVD 2:
L & G Daniel - Children By Window Light
Carol Andrews - Networking With Doctors
Janine & Brian Killian - Bedtime & Butterflies
Royce Chenore - Seasonal Promotions
Gregory Daniel - Replicating Flash

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