sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

The Creative Digital Darkroom

The Creative Digital Darkroom
The Creative Digital Darkroom 
522 pages | Aug 31 2010 |ISBN: 0596100477| PDF | 115.5 Mb 

This tutorial takes photographers beyond the quick tips and gimmicky effects of many digital photography books. Author Katrin Eismann -- an internationally acclaimed artist, bestselling author, and gifted educator -- offers high-profile work, including her own, as examples for teaching photographers how to use the digital medium to create, edit, and output images that reflect their true vision. Co-authored by photographer and teacher Sean Duggan, The Creative Digital Darkroom translates skills, concepts, and nomenclature of the traditional darkroom into digital solutions for photographers who sense that, despite the newness of the technologies at hand, there remains a timeless method for learning and practicing photography the right way.
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