jueves, 14 de enero de 2010

One Light Workshop DVD

I have worked very hard to make this a product you are going to enjoy, learn from, and be inspired by. It is not a DVD about me talking about me. It is not a DVD with a dude in a studio going on and on and on about mountains of technical jargon. It isn't a 2 hour commercial for my corporate sponsor. I don't have a corporate sponsor. I'm not here to sell you gear. In fact, I'll probably talk you out of buying some gear at some point.
Is off camera flash intimidating? Are you a bit fearful of it? It is my goal to get you to drop all the fear and intimidation and get your flash off camera as God intended it to be used!

Once the "light bulb" goes off in your head, you'll see how simple it really can be and you will see your photography grow by leaps and bounds. You'll have so much more confidence to take on any project that comes your way.

Its about as fun of a DVD set as you can get. I have fallen asleep during many technical presentations and I wanted to make dang sure that this DVD wasn't going to be a cure for insomnia. You're getting 2 discs plus a 20 page booklet.

Topics Covered In The DVD :

In the nearly 4 hour long set of DVD's I go over philosophy, gear, exposure, modifiers, application of it all, how I compose images, what I'm looking for in a photo, what I like, what I don't like, how things go really well, how things start to suck very quickly, how to interact with clients, how to get kicked out of not just one location but two locations, and, most importantly, how to deal with a group of drunk girls out on the street.

Disc One :
Opening Thoughts :: Exposure Control :: Gear (lights, stands, triggers, etc.) :: Modifiers (Umbrellas, soft boxes, grids, etc.) :: Indoor shoot and then 2 location shoots with the same client. During these shoots I methodically talk through my thinking process and how I am finding exposure and warming up to shooting and working with clients. These are slower paced for teaching purposes.
Here is a 7 minute montage of footage from Disc One.

Disc Two :
I pick up the pace on Disc Two and we do a lot of shooting. You'll follow me on shoots with 3 individuals and one band. I'm more in "shooting" mode than "teaching" mode on this disc but I am still talking through the process of what I'm looking for in the final photo, how I'm going to get there, what type of light and modifier I need to get the job done, and how to work with situations when things just aren't perfect.
I end the DVD with some information about my workflow in Lightroom. I'm not a "workflow" teacher. I have a system that works for me and I'm always improving it. Finally, the montage and credits are pretty cool. Stick around for those.

Technical note - This is where I would embed a trailer but our trailer on YouTube has found a glitch in the matrix. I’m currently cutting a new trailer and will have it online in a week. For now you can view a review from photographer and PhotoShop guru, Dave Cross...


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